This episode of the Construction Engineering Show focuses on ideas for developing a safety mindset. “Working Safe” requires us to be actively looking and thinking about our surroundings, the operations we are involved with and how we can keep both ourselves and the folks we are working with out of harm’s way. In this episode, I discuss a couple of strategies that I’m implementing in my daily routine that are worth sharing.
Check out my article TAILGATE TALK – Pre-Inspection Safety Brief where you can download a copy of a simple Safety Check Sheet that you might find to be a nice addition to your tooolbox.
In this episode, I mention a great tailgate talk experience I had during an excavation operation on one of our jobsites – Check out the article TAILGATE TALK – Engineers NEED to Train.
good “stuff” Bob — we’re all responsible for safety while on-site…. keep up the good-shares.
Thanks, Marty! Work hard, work safe & get everyone home to their families after the shift – It takes all of us looking out for each other!