Wait – Wha??? A podcast…seriously…???!!!
So, it’s been a long time in the conceiving and making, but I’ve finally decided to take the plunge and take a crack at a doing a podcast. At this early stage, I’m not sure what I’m getting myself into, but I figure the only thing I can do is embarrass myself, so hey, what the hell, right..??
If you know me, you know I’m a podcast junkie. I really don’t even listen to music anymore. Drives to work, chores in the garage or around the house or working at my desk, I’m constantly listening to podcasts. Everything I’m hearing says that podcasts are the next wave of media that is on the verge of exploding, so I figured, just like I did with this website in 2005, I might as well try to get in on the ground floor and see if I can stay ahead of the curve.
I’m charting the course for the show as a weekly discussion on tools, strategies & tactics for civil engineers, construction engineers and construction project managers who work in the heavy civil and site development industry. I’m planning on melding my writings with the episodes, feeding each off of the other. I can never see myself NOT writing. But I can see how the two media can share space in my endeavors of passing on knowledge to the civil and construction engineering communities.
Wish me luck. I always welcome your feedback – Reach back to me anytime!
The show is available on a variety of platforms – Pretty exciting if I may say so myself….
Hi Bob! My name is Whitney and I’m the Marketing Manager at PlanHub, an industry leading construction bidding software. We are big fans of your podcast and very interested in co-hosting opportunities with you. I’d love to discuss having our CEO come talk about some cool construction topics on the podcast with you. Can’t wait to connect!
Thanks Whitney!! The show is definitely a work-in-progress, but we’re getting there – Crawl, walk run. Like Dori says in Finding Nemo, “Just Keep Swimming…!”