Colorado Mountain Air

It’s too bad there isn’t a way to convert these two dimensional images into the actual sights & smells the Hilde’s have gotten to experience in the last couple of days hiking in Colorado….. 💪🏼🇺🇸


Dye Penetration Testing of Structural Steel

Concrete. Strong in compression, weak in tension, right? That was one of those really early civil engineering lessons that we learned about early in our 200-level Strength of Materials course. Steel. Strong in tension, kinda […]


Jack’s Graduation

So proud to watch @jackhildebranski cross another threshold on his journey through life. Watching him grow into a young man has been an absolute privilege-Can’t wait to see where the roads ahead take him!! 🎓#humbled […]


POST – WMA Refresher 4.27.19

As Spring, 2019 hits and the asphalt plants start firing-up and getting into production, it’s a great time for all of us to hit the Refresh button and get ready for HMA – Oh wait, […]