Today is “Working Day #38 of Sequestration” for me – Our office ceased operations due to the pandemic on Monday, March 16, 2020.
I’ve purposely shied away from discussing pandemic-related topics here on the website and on the Construction Engineering Show: I’m an engineer, not a health professional. I know my areas of expertise; pandemics and public health are not in my wheelhouse. We’re all experiencing it. I’m reacting day-by-day to the changes in the situation just like you.
Those of us who have been working remotely are pondering and discussing what “Office Life” will look like once the doors reopen. At this point, being (likely….) a few weeks away for a lot of us in Illinois, there will be lots of changes to how we work.
This is a great article that I read at ForConstructionPros.com written by Mr. Bo Mitchell, a US Army veteran and former police commissioner. He lays out some great checklist-type situational criteria for issues that both construction sites and general offices will need to consider as re-opening rolls-out.
I’m not running an office right now, nor am I working on an active construction project. But the questions Mr. Mitchell poses are relative to all of us. They aren’t answers, they are questions to consider. I think this is a great tool for us to use as our offices start coming back on line. Using this knowledge, we can help the office managers that we work with dot “I’s” and cross “T’s” as they put protocols in-place for employees to navigate.
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