If you’ve been paying attention to my book stacks (and OF COURSE you are….), you might have been able to detect a pattern in how I assemble what I’m choosing to read. I try to keep my stack consistently pulling from a book in each of these categories:
- Military History
- Leadership
- Faith
- Personal Growth
- A Military-Based Novel or Biography
This month, I feel like I’ve got some heavy lifts on my hands.
“Ghost Fleet” came recommended from numerous respected sources: There’s an eeriness in the potential realism that the story line follows, I’m having trouble putting it down at night!
“How To Read a Book” has been on my radar for, literally, years and, now halfway into it, is changing how I read.
“Brothers Rivals Victors” is an outstanding look at the interaction between Eisenhower, Patton and Bradley as they prepared for, led & lived through their individual and collective leadership roles in WWII.
And I’ve just started Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel” and William Bennett’s “The Book of Virtues” – I’m confident that both books will be excellent guided along the path of personal betterment.
What’s on your stack? Leave me a comment and let me know.

Bob- have you had a chance to read Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly? I’m due to reread it.
I did! In fact, I just finished it a couple of weeks ago! Such an inspiring read, makes you look at the small interactions you have with people in a different light. I love his down-to-earth, simple writing style, and his format is perfect for morning before-work reads, sets a great tone for the day.
Agreed on your Holy Moments review!
Give this book a read —
Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality https://a.co/d/ftrtbVM
Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas, Timothy Keller
Only the Paranoid Survive by Andrew S. Grove
Essentialism by Greg McKeown