On May 24, 2024, I had the chance to participate in the Chicago Veterans 10th Annual Ruck March. The 17-mile ruck was chartered to raise awareness to veteran suicide: It is estimated that 17 former service members take their lives everyday. It’s a staggering statistic, not only for the veteran community but for all of us. 126 Americans take their lives everyday, such tragic statistics.
Orion Engineers participated in the event. It was great to spend some time with our crew, chatting while we were rucking. Camaraderie born from shared physical effort is special, you don’t get that sitting in an office or in a Teams meeting.
I’d like to think that, at 57 years old, I’m in pretty-decent shape. But I’m not going to lie: I was sore afterwards! To be consistent with this year’s charter, I chose to carry 17 pounds in my ruck: 17 miles with 17 pounds made for a solid effort, no doubt. I had to grab the Bengay when I got home along with a couple of blister band aids! I can’t believe the step count!
It was an extremely well-run event, one that I plan on joining in the years to come. Hat tip to everyone at Chicago Veterans for organizing the day – Cheers!!!

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