It’s great to be back with you for Episode #27.
Being a college instructor, learning is a front-and-center part of my life. As much as I hope the students are learning under my tutelage, I am learning as well: Learning how to speak. Learning how to break concepts down. Learning how to present materials in a digestible format. Suffice to say, we are always learning.
In this episode, I talk about how we, as people involved in construction, need to be cognizant of our need to constantly be learning. Are we creating a job office atmosphere where we are using the people and resources around us every working day to better ourselves & each other? How can we promote a learning environment in our field office? I’ll give you a couple of stories & some ideas to get you thinking.
Book Recommendation: Resilience (Eric Greitens)
Hi Bob, love your podcast. I am Sumeetha from Lumber (lumberfi.com). And no this is not a sales pitch. I just wanted to drop a note to you to tell you that I thought your podcasts are very honest and interesting.
Thanks Sumeetha!! I appreciate you sharing your kind thoughts—Cheers!!!