Articles by Hilde

New Drone Bill Legislation in Illinois
Interesting development in the Illinois Senate as a proposed bill is making its way through the review process. Senate Bill SB2849 proposes to allow Illinois municipalities to write local legislation to “…adopt reasonable rules…” related […]

October, 2023 Book Stack
If you’ve been paying attention to my book stacks (and OF COURSE you are….), you might have been able to detect a pattern in how I assemble what I’m choosing to read. I try to […]

Survival in the Extremes
What a week! Our crew worked 24/7 assisting on a railroad yard cutover project during the Chicago-record-breaking heat. It was a challenge on both the mental & physical sides of the coin, but the work […]

Professional Land Surveyor Job Description
Jason Lloyd posted a really nice video describing his role as a Professional Land Surveyor-I thought this was worth sharing: